Gild by Raven Kennedy
Read a full summary of Gild by Raven Kennedy below. If you can’t remember what happened in Gild and you need a refresher, then you’re in the right place.
What happened in Gild?
- Auren was “saved” from slavery at 15 by King Midas. He was about 22 at the time, so it’s super gross when they “make love”.
- Now, ten years later, Auren is imprisoned on the top floor of Midas’ castle.She is forced to watch Midas with his other “saddles”. It’s okay though because Auren is his favourite.
- None of the other women like Auren.
- Auren has gold skin and back tentacles, btw.
- One of Midas’ allies, a king from a neighbouring country, visits. He offers Midas the use of his armies against King Rot in exchange for one night with Auren.
- Auren is upset by this, especially when Midas agrees. He really wants the armies, I guess.
- Auren smacks Rissa in the face with a gold book to try to help her. Questionable.
- On the night in question, a messenger arrives. He says all the soldiers were defeated and Midas lied about the deal. Midas never sent his own soldiers to fight.
- Digby kills the other king to save Auren. Midas tells everyone King Rot was behind the scheme, and now Midas has control of two kingdoms.
- Midas heads to his new kingdom to sort out the politics and such.
- Auren is summoned by Midas, so Digby and the other guards have to escort her across the country. She sees that the people in her kingdom are living in poverty, despite Midas having so much gold. Not cool.
- Snow pirates (!) attack and capture the women and a guard called Sail.
- Sail is killed.
- Auren and Rissa are taken to the Captain’s quarters. The Captain assaults Rissa and Auren stops him by turning him into gold.
- She has gold powers!!!
- They shove the Captain off the side of the ship using Auren’s gold tentacles. They try to lie to the crew and say the Captain ran off with all the loot, but the crew don’t believe the women.
- The crew are super angry when they realise their Captain has possibly been killed, but a cool far commander called Rip looks after Auren.
- Midas hears what happened to Auren and vows to find her.
This is a full plot summary of what happened in Gild by Raven Kennedy. Check out our recap list for more recaps. If you can’t find what you need, you can request a recap from us!