Gone by Michael Grant

The basics

Title: Gone


Series: Gone #1

- Gone (2008)
- Hunger (2009)
- Lies (2010)
- Plague (2011)
- Fear (2012)
- Light (2013)

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Goodreads Summary:

Suddenly there were no adults, no answers. What would you do? In the blink of an eye, the world changes. The adults vanish without a trace, and those left must do all they can to survive. But everyone's idea of survival is different. Some look after themselves, some look after others, and some will do anything for power.

Read a full summary of Gone by Michael Grant below. If you can’t remember what happened in Gone and you need a refresher, then you’re in the right place.

What happened in Gone?

  • Everyone older than 15 vanishes in Perdido Beach, leaving behind a lot of confused and somewhat angry teenagers.
  • Sam Temple goes to the plaza with his friends, Quinn and Astrid, to figure out what’s going on. They rescue a girl from a burning building, and discover that she actually started the fire with her new powers. The girl unfortunately dies.
  • The group go to look for Astrid’s brother, Little Pete, who is autistic.
  • They bump into a barrier that they can’t penetrate. The barrier lets light through, but the teenagers are unable to see through it to the outside.
  • Another teen called Edilio tries to dig under the barrier but it doesn’t work. They figure out they’re in a dome.
  • A teen called Mary starts organising a daycare to look after the younger children. Albert helps feed them from the McDonald’s.
  • The group head to the nuclear power plant in case that has something to do with the powers and the dome.
  • Quinn tells Edilio about a meteor that hit someone.
  • The group are attacked by Orc’s gang, who believe themselves to be in control of Perdido Beach. They fight them off and come across Little Pete.
  • Little Pete has a nightmare and almost chokes Sam telekinetically.
  • Sam admits that he can shoot light from his hands.
  • The group returns to Perdido Beach.
  • Kids from the Coates Academy arrive, led by Caine. They make all the kids meet in the church. Caine gives some of the teens jobs. Sam, Quinn, and Edilio become firemen, and Orc is promoted to deputy sheriff.
  • Orc realises he’s no longer in charge and he and his crew attack Caine. Caine injures Cookie using telekinesis.
  • Dahra starts up a hospital.
  • Orc causes Bette to have a hemorrage in her brain, so Sam takes Bette to Dahra. Bette unfortunately dies.
  • Sam and Astrid get together.
  • Quinn tells Caine that Sam is a mutant.
  • Diana realises that Caine and Sam are twins. Caine tries to kill Sam, but Little Pete telepots them away.
  • Diana confronts Jack, who is really good with computers. He admits to having super strength as his power after Diana tells him she can read mutants’ power levels.
  • Diana tells Jack that Caine and Sam are the strongest two.
  • Andrew turns fifteen and poofs out. Jack witnesses this and figures out a way to survive the poof.
  • Drake goes after Sam and Quinn. They escape and meet Lana, who is a healer.
  • Lana says she has been living with coyotes, and she has seen another creature called the Darkness.
  • The group frees the mutants at Coates.
  • Sam burns off Drake’s arm, who then kidnaps Lana as she’s trying to heal Cookie.
  • Orc gets attacked by coyotes.
  • The Darkness shows up and gifts Drake a tentacle arm.
  • Jack goes to tell Sam what he discovered about the poof but doesn’t reach him very quickly.
  • Coyotes kill Tanner.
  • Caine goes on the offensive and sends his crew to attack the others.
  • Caine tells Diana he loves her.
  • Orc is now a stone monster. Drake fights him.
  • Sam and Caine are just about to turn fifteen. Jack doesn’t reach Sam in time to tell him the secrets. Sam and Caine see their mother, and they choose to stay in the dome even though they’ve turned fifteen.
  • Caine’s group leaves Perdido Beach and returns to Coates.
  • Albert cooks a Thanksgiving meal for the Beach crew.

This is a full plot summary of what happened in Gone by Michael Grant. Check out our recap list for more recaps. If you can’t find what you need, you can request a recap from us!

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